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Welcome to the website for albums on the Veteran label



Check out the Veteran catalogue

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The Veteran label was founded by John Howson way back in the 1980s! Since John's death in 2022, it is now being run by John's widow and musical partner, Katie Howson. The full Veteran catalogue of recordings from across Britain and Ireland remains available, either as physical CDs or downloads.


To keep up-to-date, do take a regular look at our News page and don't forget our Offers page to get bargains when they're available.


If ordering during the summer months, please look at the News page for details of holiday dates due to festivals etc.




To order, use our dedicated shopping cart as you go along.

Once you have completed your basket, continue to the checkout where we take a full range of

Debit and Credit cards via the secure payment gateway 'Stripe'.








On our links page you will also find our comments box. We will be pleased to hear from you.



Veteran Mail Order, 44 Old Street, Haughley, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 3NX, U.K.  M



+44(0)1449 673695  



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