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Scottish CDs

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VT128  'Put Another Log on the Fire' - Duncan Williamson  Tracks & more information

Songs & Tunes from a Scots Traveller

Digital download: to buy tracks, or the whole album, use the "more information" link":


Kyloe100  'Traveller's Tales Volume One'  Track List

11 tracks featuring songs and stories and ballads from Stanley Robertson, Duncan Williamson and William Williamson

CD - £8.00  Add to Basket


Kyloe101 'Traveller's Tales Volume Two'  Track List

13 tracks featuring songs and stories and ballads from Gabrielle Ijdo, Stanley Robertson and Duncan Williamson.

CD - £8.00  Add to Basket


Click here for full details

Kyloe107 'Hamish Henderson Collects'  Track List

Songs ballads and a story from the School of Scottish Studies archive.

CD - £8.00  Add to Basket


Click here to enlarge

Kyloe110 'Hamish Henderson Collects Vol. 2'   Track List

More songs and ballads from the School of Scottish Studies archive.

CD - £8.00 Add to Basket



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